Super short blurb...
Well its been about a month and a half since I last posted, but I haven't been idle in the woodshed. While my Mother's passing and other personal matters shook me to the core, shop time working on various projects is what gave me peace and the time to reflect on the whirlwind around me. While I wouldn't say I have weathered the storm well; I would say that deluge is dwindling.
It is my intention to hit the ground running with the blog again this weekend. Along with a short note on the recent Southern West Virginia and Southwestern Virginia Modern Woodworkers Association meeting, I hope to post an update on the status of previously mentioned ongoing projects, at least one new project, upcoming shop plans and other projects. Once I get through this initial update; my first project will hopefully be building a stable workbench. This won't be a Roubo by any means, but I am hoping it will be a very heavy, sturdy and functional, especially in the area of work-holding capability, addition to the shop. The significance of this project is I intend to post a crazy amount of detailed blog updates, brief twitter notes and, although my hillbilly accent may drive some folks crazy, I may even do my first video.
I am extremely hopeful that anyone reading/watching these updates will find the information interesting, mildly entertaining and opinion generating. Above all I am hopeful the increased volume of posts will generate feedback to help me build a better workbench and help with future projects and technical knowledge. Its hard living and learning in virtual isolation, so any interaction is good interaction as far as I am concerned.
Lastly, sad news for my local woodworking community, Virginia Hardware the ONLY local woodworking supply store (Rockler Affiliate Store) in our immediate area is shutting their doors after a 100+ year run. Everything in the store is on sale 20-30% off original price. I personally purchased a couple of router bits at a 30% savings, although I'd pay full price if it kept the doors opened. Ron Hart, current owner has been more than generous in his willingness to host our meetings up to the doors closing. Honestly while I truly hate to see another small local business lose the fight, the loss of Ron and his staff to the woodworking community really bites. I realize most folks reading this aren't local, but I am providing the contact information for the store below in case someone may want to contact Ron about making a purchase or other business arrangement. To everyone at Virginia Hardware all the best in future endeavors; you will be sorely missed!!!
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